Large cash expenditures should always come with an itemized receipt for tax purposes. Smaller cash purchases are not required to have as much documentation as the larger expenses. The responsibility to substantiate entries, deductions, and statements made on your tax returns is known as the burden of proof. You must be able to prove certain […]
الأرشيفات الشهرية: سبتمبر 2022
Mainstream advice recommends cutting down gradually to control your alcohol intake. Yet they don’t recognise that cutting down is even harder than stopping. How many times have you tried to cut down in the past and failed? It ends up as torture and misery, and ‘old habits’ die hard but as we explain this is […]
Mostly, companies pay dividends to their shareholders annually, after the end of each accounting period. However, some companies also pay their shareholders quarterly, while some other pay dividends semi-annually. For shareholders to be eligible for payment at the time the company pays dividends, they must hold the shares of the company before the ex-dividend date. […]